Somewhere Life Is A Figment of Imagination

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Gimme a break

A peck on the cheek, and things she would whisper and
But your heart was made of clay,
T'was washed away by the waves on the same beach you lay,
Where you made passionate love to her the entire day,

Tell me did it bother your mind?
Was it a shame to hold her hand?
Or a surprise to find,
You had traveled to a distand land?

Now go take a break


Swathi Sambhani aka Chimera said...

y do all the men's hearts have to b made of clay?

Fatally Flawed said...


All men's hearts are made of clay,
A reason be, there may,
God, I’m sure didn’t make them that way,
He didn’t want the women to flay,
He wanted them to be happy and gay,
But mostly it’s just a game the men play,
Fools that they are always lose and pay,
So girls, don’t complain, while the sun still shines, make hay


Child Woman said...

:) :)

Swathi Sambhani aka Chimera said...

wow! a reply poem thatz wonderful