Somewhere Life Is A Figment of Imagination

Saturday, May 14, 2005

A name, a new beginning

Sweet serenity,
An oasis in this desert of reproach,
A whiff of fresh air,
The morning dew trickling down the green grass blade,

There I stand, admiring the semblance of a celestial damsel,
Radiating in the morn' sun,
Her calm face brings us to our knees,
A charm that’s hard to envisage,

Her purity surpassing the purest diamonds around her neck,
A dancing spirit, a harbinger of happiness,
Her mellifluous voice, music to tired ears,
A messiah, the saviour my redeemer,

Her grace, exquisitely crafted,
A name, a new beginning.


Child Woman said...

r u describing the dawn?

Fatally Flawed said...

well u almost cracked that one...i was describing a friend o mine ;)