Somewhere Life Is A Figment of Imagination

Monday, December 12, 2005

Life for Hire

Hello there, will you be my sire?
You can have my life for hire,
Take me home to laugh when you tire,
As you see I don't cost much to acquire,

Your life hangs on a thin black wire,
When pleasure is what you require,
And want to take it higher,
Why not me for half a day hire?

When the consequences are dire,
To fulfill your fetish, I play with fire,
Bootylicious, I'm the one you desire,
Lift your pen and write a dozen quire,

So for tonight won’t you be my sire?
Give in to your immoral desire,
While I silently light your funeral pyre,
Why not me for half a day hire?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Simple layout ...nice ...;-)
"Have there been movies inspire'd"
,from this bard who wrote "Life for hire " ?