Somewhere Life Is A Figment of Imagination

Saturday, October 29, 2005


I bestow upon you,
The best in life & be amongst the chosen few,
And may you spread the joy of life,
To one and all, to end their strife,

May you whisper happiness in to their ears,
Bring on the smile and purge their fears,
Harbinger of a gleeful monsoon,
Rain bliss morning, night and noon,

May you have the power to heal,
And feed the hungry a full course meal,
May your every step taken be forwards,
Weave verve in all the spoken words,

May all the houses and all the streets be lit,
So be it.


Kabuliwallah said...

Now that consummates it. Thats well written.

Fatally Flawed said...

thank you kindly :)